HEY EVERYBODY: Meet my little sis Alyssa Robyn! This is her debut on Roses & Ruffles;
She's 4 years younger, 4 inches taller, and my favorite sister. ;)
I'm excited to finally introduce y'all to my (not so) mini me - we answered some fun Q & A between the photos below so you could get to know us a little better! Alyssa and I are pretty similar in that our style and preferences are a lot a like - it was hard to come up with fun questions for this post without having the same answers!
We both fell in love with this tiered ruffle dress and ordered it in our preferred colors! The dress and BOTH of our accessories are linked at the bottom of this post. We shot for this blog while we were in Arizona earlier this summer!
If you don't have a little sister, you're missing out (on premature grey hairs later in life!) But truly, sisters are like a forever friend, and it's been so cool to watch her grow up and to share so many fun memories with her! From playing with Polly Pocket's in our shared bedroom, to fighting over who-stole-whose sweater, I'm super blessed to have this girly to share life with. I can't wait for her to get a little older so we can be on more of the same wavelength!
Overall, Alyssa's a pretty amazing sister when she's not being a moody 16-year-old. ;)
Keep scrolling for our Q & A!
XOXO - Talia

♡ DRESSES: Nordstrom ♡ TALIA'S EARRINGS: American Eagle ♡ TALIA'S SHOES: Dolce Vita ♡ ALYSSA'S EARRINGS: Kendra Scott ♡ ALYSSA'S SHOES: Aldo ♡